Empowering our children at a young age to take charge of their health is one of the most important things that we can pass onto them. I never focused on this until after our oldest son Gabriel was born. That’s when the light bulb went off.
If you don’t have dōTERRA essential oils in your home yet (you will 😉), I can give you 3 tips right now that you can start implementing today to help detoxify your home & make your family healthier.
1. Stop using toxic cleaners. Did you know that these cleaners are AS harmful as secondhand smoke? They were actually named as the new secondhand smoke that over time can have long-lasting harmful effects on our bodies. Autoimmune disorders, chest & lung problems, headaches, you name it. I always suggest our On Guard cleaner concentrate that’s only $14.50 and will fill over 24 glass spray bottles! If you don’t have our products yet, good ole fashion vinegar and water will do until then.
2. Throw out the synthetic scents. Did you know that these are huge hormonal disruptors to our bodies? Especially little boys that are oftentimes accused of having ADD or ADHD when it oftentimes ties back to an imbalanced hormone? Or those who suffer from allergies or asthma? Trust me here. Please! Have Yankee candles? Throw them out. Bath & Body works hand soap? Throw that out too. Glade plug-ins? Peace out. Cologne & perfume? Goodbye! Dryer sheets? HUGE NO-NO. Not only will you save a ton of money but you will also be amazed by how much better you feel and how much healthier you and your family will be by simply taking these toxin-laden items out of your home.
3. Watch what you are putting on your skin. If it’s ON you, then it’s IN you. Is that Johnson & Johnson soap really safe for your baby? What about the lavender lotion that you picked up at Target because it was a dollar off or that facial cream that your momma swears by. Turn it over and read the ingredients. If you can’t pronounce them or don’t know what they are, then look them up. I think you’d be pretty surprised.
Breathe. This is a small part of a bigger picture that will forever change your life. You can do this. Baby steps, momma. Let’s trailblaze together.

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