It’s my T E N Y E A R dōTERRA Anniversary. A decade with this beautiful company that has blessed me beyond belief.
Yes, today marks in history one of the greatest days of my life. 10 years ago when I started my essential oil journey with dōTERRA I hadn’t the slightest clue the road that God was about to put before for Zackery and I. I was a stay at home mom and military wife, living a thousand miles away from home and wanting some way to bring in a small income to our family and also a fun way to get out of the house on occasion, & get my oils paid for each month. I didn’t realize what was about to happen nor did I fathom the plant based healing properties of these oils and what they could do for people. I looked deep into this company, who doesn’t want to know that they are going with the best one before they dive head first? I researched their compensation plan, mission statement, their humanitarian efforts and why they believed so much in something called ‘Co-impact Sourcing’.

I noticed that their donations as well as hard work and efforts to empower impoverished communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant was something you rarely saw within any marketing company. This company was different, very different, and I liked that. They weren’t flashy. They didn’t incentivize us with money, houses, & cars. It wasn’t the typical “live the dream” lifestyle that so many paint the picture of. Instead, they deterred us away from that. They showed us service for others over sales, encouraged us not to change our way of living or spending but how to become completely debt free instead, how rank and title within the company didn’t determine your worth and how they felt about you but instead how many lives you changed along the way. I saw their heart.
I saw that this was something rare and I wanted a part of this rare opportunity because any company that leads like this will only go one place, and that’s up. I saw a picture of what this could be and of what these tiny little brown bottles could do. I started getting calls left and right from people telling me how they have changed their life and then is when I decided that my journey with dōTERRA wasn’t something I just wanted to tread lightly with. This was it. This was a movement and I needed to be a part of it.
Zackery was up for reenlistment the following year and I knew the second he signed his name on that dotted line was the second we were about to see another year long deployment. Blackhawk pilot = deployment pilot. This Army wife created the strongest why possible and one I would climb any mountain for. I knew that these tiny little brown bottles weren’t just hippie oils that people more oftentimes then not rolled their eyes about, (jokes on you now) these oils worked and they worked fast and just like these oils, I knew that if I worked, my husband wouldn’t be signing that dotted line again for another six years. These little brown bottles were going to bring my pilot home.
Today marks not only our 10 year Anniversary with the greatest company on earth but also the day that we say goodbye to the 9-5. 40,000 miles, 300 classes, 50 states, 6 country’s, countless webinars, workshops, & tens of thousands of lives later, and I get to always have my man by my side. Today I am grateful. To the Army and this beautiful Blackhawk, we will forever be thankful for you. You took us all the way from the Arctic of Alaska to the lower 48 of Alabama, to Afghanistan and more. You will forever hold a special place in our heart. Thanks for the great ride. It was truly an honor.

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